ALL individuals entering the Tumut Basketball Stadium must sign in using the QR Code or Attendance sheet.
ALL individuals must sanitise their hands.
ALL equipment brought into the stadium must be wiped down using a onetime use wipe provided by the stadium.
The hiring organization/person is responsible for cleaning the facility after use i.e. sweeping of court area and placement
of rubbish in bins provided. The facility must be left in a neat and tidy condition at the completion of use or an additional
$50.00/hour cleaning charge will be invoiced to the hirer. Hirer will be liable for any damages caused.
The Hirer is responsible for the supervision and control of all persons on the playing court during the period designated in The
Hire Form ensuring that facilities are used in a proper and orderly manner and left in a clean and tidy state after such use and
that only non-marking shoes are to be worn.
ALL hirers acknowledge that it is their own responsibility to ascertain and comply with any obligations under the NSW
Child Protection Act.
Damage with the exception of normal wear and tear, the Hirer will be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage to
buildings, fixtures, fittings, furnishings, equipment or other property of the Tumut Basketball incurred as a result of the hiring.
Invoices for the cost of repairing any damage will be sent to the Hirer for payment.
ALL hirers agree to the hire conditions and agree to pay any fees and charges applicable.